Children With Type 2 Diabetes

The rate of Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents are now in an alarming state of increase that leads to chronic health conditions such as loss of vision, limb amputation, kidney disorders, and cardiovascular risks. Most physicians suppose the growing rate of this medical condition is as a result of poor food choices, increasing obesity and the sedentary lifestyle experienced by children today.

Type 2 diabetes is a life long disorder of pancreas that fails to produce enough insulin in the body or fails to use the insulin suitably. This slows down the natural ability of human cells to breakdown sugar or glucose into energy and increases the amount of sugar to stay in the blood, causing elevated blood sugar levels. The actual reason for the rapid increase of Type 2 diabetes in children is still unknown though there are various possible causes including family history or hereditary, overweight or obesity, physically inactive lifestyle etc. The release of hormones during teen ages can also lead to insulin resistance that can, in turn, cause Type 2 diabetes. Children with type 2 diabetes are also more possible to develop hypertension or abnormal levels of blood fats.

The disease is however hard to be found out because of the lack of active symptoms at the early stage, provided mild symptoms such as thirsty feeling and frequent urination that are often left unconcerned. Losing weight without any reason is also one of the symptoms of this disease. The disease usually comes into light when the blood or urine sample of the child is tested for some reason. Constant thirst, fatigue, frequent urination or bed-wetting, blurred vision and darkened the skin around the neck or underarms are other telltale signs possibly include.

Healthy food choices, along with a physically active lifestyle, are the best method to keep away the disease from a very early stage. Eating a healthy balanced diet and limiting high sugar intake found in sweets, creams and candies can help in keeping the blood sugar level in your children healthy. Children with Type 2 diabetics should also have control over carbohydrate intake as it can also negatively affect the average blood sugar level. High-fat milk, yogurt, starchy vegetables also should be avoided. An expert dietitian can help you with useful information on a healthy diet for diabetic children.

In addition to a healthy diet, introducing your child to various physical activities such as sports, dance, jogging and exercise programs help your child stay away from diabetes. There are numerous natural remedies and health supplements that support the average blood sugar level in the body that can be of great use. The overall goal of these products is to improve the control of blood sugar, slow down the development of complications of diabetes, and even lessen the existing medicine requirements. Such herbal supplements contain powerfully active ingredients that not only help in preventing Type 2 diabetes but also help to cover nutritional needs for growing children. They supply the body with a high-potency multivitamin, potent antioxidants, bioflavonoids, fish oils as well as different vitamins and minerals. Most of them can be taken together with insulin and other prescription drugs. Under the direction of your general practitioner, you might find that your insulin or oral medication necessities are reduced.
Children With Type 2 Diabetes Children With Type 2 Diabetes Reviewed by Rochani on 4:15 PM Rating: 5
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