4 Herbal Remedies For Diabetes For Better Quality of Life

Herbal remedies for diabetes are now trendy. People suffering from this condition are more open to alternative treatments that can help prevent complications brought about by this condition. Battling diabetes through the use of therapeutic methods can be expensive. One way to cut back on costs without sacrificing health is to try natural and herbal remedies.

 Even in ancient times, herbal remedies for diabetes are used. Even experts and medical specialists have to confirm the efficacy of numerous plant extracts. Some of them are even more effective than the effects of medical treatments.

 The following are some of the herbal remedies that can help:

1. Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd
 It is a tropical kind of vegetable commonly found in Asia, South America and in Africa. It is also known as Balsam pear. According to clinical tests and experiments, the juice and extracts of Bitter Melon can lower blood sugar levels. Today, you can find numerous supplements and pills loaded with the extract of this vegetable.

 What makes this effective is its Charantin component. This is a hypoglycaemic agent that helps lower sugar levels. According to studies, this is even more potent than Tolbutamide, a drug used to treat diabetes. Bitter Melon also contains polypeptide that is very similar to insulin hormone in our body. This can serve as a replacement of insulin to lower blood sugar. It is advisable to drink about 50-60 ml of Bitter Melon juice every day.

2. Onion and garlic
 The combination of onion and garlic can control blood sugar levels. They contain Allyl Propyl Disulphide and Diallyl Disulphide Oxide that can help lower glucose levels. According to studies, these active ingredients can help create free insulin.

3. Blueberry Leaves
 Blueberry leaves contain Myrtillin, can help increase insulin levels to fight blood sugar. This can also help improve the integrity of your body's capillaries to reduce the appearance of harmful free radicals. This herbal remedy can also lessen the likelihood of diabetic complications, such as diabetic retinopathy.

4. Asian Ginseng
 This Chinese herb has shown remarkable potency in treating several debilitating illnesses, including diabetes. It improves the production of the hormone insulin in the pancreas to fight the increase of blood sugar level. It is also potent enough to reduce the blood sugar level directly. Taking 200 mg of the extract of ginseng every day and can help lessen the complications of this condition.
4 Herbal Remedies For Diabetes For Better Quality of Life 4 Herbal Remedies For Diabetes For Better Quality of Life Reviewed by Rochani on 3:55 PM Rating: 5
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